Viktor Demin
Was born in 1960 in city Lviv. From childhood wanted to become the artist and visited the art studio many years. Later for a long time has carried away the mysterious world of computers. But unexpected algorithms have opened new measurement in understanding of music of life. Was much wanted to embody new feeling. Gradually painting has occupied the main place in life. Had five one-man exhibitions. In 2003 on Biennale of Contemporary Art in Florence has presented three works, which were awarded by a medal.
Artist's statement:
«The visual perception of the man is limited to the frame of reality and is in the contradiction with aspiration of art to expand visual outlook. During last century we notice attempts of the artists to penetrate into secrets of abstractions painting, but this remains enigma, as hundred years back. It's complexity, but this way of knowledge of the world is interesting for experimenting with colour and form and search of new images. A subject of my experiments is the emotional condition and irrational feeling which is knowledge tool. I use formal elements in creation of the image as a mnemonic code filled by colour. Today our world is not what was yesterday, and I want to reflect by colors movement the mysterys of time and life. I name my art activity «Metacubizm's experiments» and I execute my artworks in style like geometrical abstractionism. I works simple - brush, oil, canvas».
1991 - One-man exhibition in the House of Actor(lviv, Ukraine).
1998 - One-man exhibition in gallery «Yarovit».
1999 - One-man exhibition in gallery «Yarovit».
2003 - Participation in Internazionale Biennale dell' Arte Contemporanea (Florence, Italy), was awarded «Lorenco Il magnifico».
2005 - One-man exhibition in gallery «Dzyga» (Lviv, Ukraine).
2006-2013 - Participation at annual international exhibition «Autumn Salon» (Lviv, Ukraine).
2011 - One-man exhibition in the art-salon «BONTON» (Lviv, Ukraine).
2013 - Participation at exhibition «Abstractio-association» in gallery «Madam Palmgren» (Lviv, Uktaine).